Christians all over the world are joyful on this Easter Sunday – what a great and glorious day to reflect upon all of our blessings including the greatest blessing imaginable – God’s gift of eternal life through Christ our Lord.
Dana and I celebrated Easter Sunday in a fashion similar to nearly every other Sunday – with our friendly congregation at Sebastopol Christian Church. We began with our 9 am Adult Sunday School Class led by Rick Glanville in which we have been studying from the LifeGuide booklet titled “Jesus’ Final Week”, a very timely series of 8 studies suggested by Patti LeDonne. Our class has terrific participation from many classmates who are legitimate scholars of the Holy Bible including two of our church elders and others who have studied in Bible College. We are a little behind schedule which often happens due to the inevitable tension between class time limits and the classmates’ uniform desire for meaningful discussion and sharing. Today we finished up the Thursday of Holy Week: The Last Supper, as described in Matthew 26:17-30. As usual discussion was lively as it related to communion time during the service this Easter Sunday.
Before the 10:30 service began, we had some time for friendly visiting regarding our campaign progress and milestones including getting our web site up this past week and fun photos of “the Guys in the 3rd-4th Grade Class” and the beautiful women who keep “the candidate” on his toes including Kitty Briggs, Sue Beckstead and, of course, Dana -- thanks to Gene Naber for getting their photo.
The 10:30 Contemporary Service led by Sara Warne went smoothly – the choir exhibited their great enthusiasm and warmth beaming out to the congregation. During the greeting, we visited our many friends and I met some people from Huntington Beach visiting family for Easter. Our Pastor, Jesse Bradley, did his usual stellar job by delivering an inspired sermon “Because He Lives” drawn from I Corinthians 15:1-58. As usual Jesse tied the message to real life inspired by his 3 year old son Joel’s word of the week, “HUMUNGOUS”. After the service, we visited other friends and then headed out into a windy wet day bringing us additional much needed rain.
All in all, another great sabbath day of renewal and joy celebrated with our many wonderful friends in Christ at Sebastopol Christian Church.
What a complementary blog on the church! I'll bet there are no other candidates sharing their personal Easter Sunday experience. We are blessed to worship with you and Dane!
Sara Warne